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Raise at least $1,000 for
Save Our Children
between February-June 2024

  • $100.00 discount at Jr. Camp

  • Front-of-line privileges at Jr. Camp

  • $25.00 gift card for the camp snack bar

  • Toby stuffed animal

  • Recognition on both the district and national levels.

Many young people have discovered their passion for God’s Kingdom by getting personally involved in life-giving, Save Our Children fundraising via Toby’s Top Dog. The children in your church can be involved in this exciting contest as we challenge our Apostolic children to live sacrificially and become a generation of givers. This contest is named after the only mascot of any ministry in the UPCI, Toby, the mascot of UPCI Children’s Ministries. 


When you have raised $1,000 for Save Our Children, apply to be a Toby's Top Dog! We want to honor your hard work and dedication.

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